
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/02 15:55:00
地址是http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjk3NzgxNjg=.html 请哪位告诉我歌曲名称和歌手名字~!

dido Thank you



歌手:Dido 专辑:No Angel

歌名:Thank You

My tea's gone cold,
I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all
the morning rain clouds up my window and I can't see at all
And even if I could it'd all be grey,
but your picture on my wall
it reminds me that it's not so bad
it's not so bad

I drank too much last night,
got bills to pay
my head just feels in pain
I missed the bus and there'll be hell today
I'm late for work again
and even if